Estofo é o resultado de uma sequência de viagens periódicas pela Baía de Guanabara, Rio de Janeiro; um extenso exercício de observação e imaginação composto por anotações verbais, fotográficas e sônicas.
Estofo is the result of a sequence of periodic trips through Guanabara Bay, Rio de Janeiro; an extensive exercise in observation and imagination composed of verbal, photographic, and sonic annotations.
Who knows where the fascination for the sea comes from. Pearls, shells, middens. From times gone by, when Guanabara was savannah, and the Sugar Loaf mountain was an island. The silence of the Canhanhas. I always hear the loud voice of a woman coming from the Bay. It is the breast from which the sea springs. Rainha dos Anjos. The tide recedes and the stink rises. Almost without oxygen. Each span of the bridge is a frame. Oil rigs compete with the mountains and add to the stars. Freezing submarine pipes scare away the fish. What would that sailor think who, for years, was faithful to that anchored ship which now, forgotten in the middle of nowhere, wants to roll in the sea? The bay is under siege. We are all fishermen. Many islands separated from the mountains in search of saline solitude. The face is carved into the rock. The massif with the face of Noel. The senses respond to the smells, the sounds, and the horse-tail forms of the clouds. Sailing for hours on end through the same landscape in choppy waters. The oceanic retreat and the tongues of sewage. Striated, geographic tongues. Scattered stains, ambushed nets, phantasmagorical fishing. The water close to one's ears, the eye on the water. The methane bubbles pepper the skin. Hydrogen sulfide, acoustic curtains. The writing reels with the movement of the boat. The dividing line between what remains outside and what remains inside the boat. The methane bubble peppers the skin. One opens up to the silence. Macacu is almost the brazilwood tree.
Estúdio Baren (RJ)
[João Sánchez, Luiza Stavale]
22 matrizes de fotopolímero
22 photopolymer matrices
27 x 39,5cm
Ed. 1
Caixa com 22 fotogravuras em papel algodão Canson edition 320g
Box with 22 photogravures on Canson edition 320g cotton paper
30 x 45cm
Ed. 5 + 2 P.A.
Série fotográfica
Photo series
Impressão com tinta de pigmento mineral em papel algodão
Printing with mineral pigment ink on cotton paper
Tamanhos variados
Varied sizes
Ed. 3 + 2 P.A.
Text Estofo
Revisão de texto
Copy editing Frederico Coelho, Victor Squella
Versão do texto
English version Christopher Burden
Projeto e instalação de texto
Text design and installation Tonho/Quinta-feira, Rodrigo Ninja
Videoinstalação HD, P/B, 8 canais de áudio
Video installation HD, B/W, 8 audio channels
Câmera e montagem de vídeo Camera and video editing David Pacheco
Desenho de som
Sound design Nico Espinoza
Alexandre Anderson/AHOMAR, Ana Kiffer, André Ribeiro de Rezende, Automatica, Bel Lobo, Bruna Vieira de Medeiros, Bruno Kemp, Claudia Savelli, Francisco dos Santos/Prooceano, Jonas Arrabal, Gabriela Mureb, Gisele Camargo, Juliana Fukuda/APA Guapi-Mirim ICMBio, Marcelo Azeredo, Marcio Harum, Maycon Monteiro Quintanilha, Pilar Espinoza Baldan, Thiago Barros, Thiago Marques/Projeto Grael, Thiago Zamprogno, Vinícius Pinheiro Palermo
11º Salão Nacional Victor Meirelles
Museu de Arte de Santa Catarina, Florianópolis, 2022
prêmio aquisição
acquisition prize
Mulheres na Coleção
MAR, Rio
16.11.2018 - 04.04.2019
On Walking Away
Associazione Culturale Spiazzi Veneza IT
Galeria Anita Schwartz, Rio
Produção exposição individual
Production solo show
Anita Schwartz 2017
Molduras e caixa para fotogravuras
Photogravure frames and box
Somar (SP)
Moldura para carta náutica | Nautical chart frame Botavidros (RJ)
Projeto de iluminação e audiovisual
Audiovisual and light design Samuel Betts/BeLight (RJ)
Equipamentos de áudio
Audio equipment The Open University (UK)
Exhibition design Metal Sign (RJ)
Produção geral
Exhibition production Galeria Anita Schwartz
Registro fotográfico
Photo documentation Mario Grisolli
Conversa pública Public talk Ana Kiffer
Cat. expo 11º Salão Nacional Victor Meirelles, Museu de Arte de Santa Catarina, Florianópolis, 2022.
Derivadores/Luiza Baldan, Jonas Arrabal. Rio de Janeiro : Automatica, 2016.